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Elon Musk - 2022Sept - Solar panels paired with stationary batteries, will be civilization’s primary source of energy


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Sep 25, 2020
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Whole Mars Catalog @WholeMarsBlog
Sep 8
Imagine if someone just figured out nuclear fusion or something and then we had limitless clean energy @elonmusk

Elon Musk @elonmusk - 2022Sep08
Replying to @WholeMarsBlog
Fusion would be expensive energy, given difficulty of obtaining and transporting source fuel, plus maintaining the reactor.
Far better to use the Sun – thermonuclear reactor with no need to refuel or service.

Elon Musk @elonmusk - 2022Sep08
The primary solution to a sustainable energy future is solar/wind with batteries for when sun doesn’t shine or wind doesn’t blow, interconnected with conventional high voltage lines. No unknown technology is needed!
Hydro+geothermal+fission will also be non-trivial contributors.

Elon Musk @elonmusk - 2022Sep08
Replying to @Andy8671025 and @WholeMarsBlog
Solar panels, ground mount & rooftop, paired with stationary batteries, will be civilization’s primary source of energy, as sure as day follows night.
Mark these words.




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Sep 25, 2020
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Wind energy will also play a big part and wind many times blows at night so can reduce battery needs !!

Feldheim, a village in Brandenburg state, Germany was famous for renewable energy sufficiency 20 years before Tesla Giga factory arrival ( Grünheide, Brandenburg, Germany ).

Distance Feldheim, Brandenburg, Germany to Grünheide, Brandenburg, Germany
(103.7 km) via B2 and A10. Estimated travel time by car: 1 hr 12 min


Feldheim village in state Brandenburg: Germany's 1st renewable energy village.
The roots of Feldheim's energy experiment date back to 1995, when entrepreneur and then-engineering student Michael Raschemann proposed erecting four wind turbines on land owned by the local farming cooperative.
In 2015/2016 the village of Feldheim had 47 wind turbines (total capacity of 91 MW, village only uses 1MW the other 90MW exported/sold to other parts of Germany), solar panels and since 2016 a massive batteries that can store enough electricity to power the village for two days.
The village's totally private electrical grid was switched on in late 2010 - the point in time from which Feldheim considers itself fully carbon-neutral - and since then, local energy prices have dropped by about a third.
Some experts believe Germany could get 100 percent of its energy from renewable sources by 2050. That might seem like a distant goal - but it's one that's already been achieved in a tiny village in Brandenburg.
Date 2015 May 28
Author Andrew Bowen

The Only Grid-Independent Village In The World?
By Zachary Shahan
Published October 2, 2014


** video
History of the self-sufficient renewable energy village Feldheim, Brandenburg - Germany
The CEO of the company Energiequelle GmbH, Michael Schemann, explains how was created this self-sufficient town in renewable energy in Germany: Feldheim !
Nicolas Plain - Scientific Explorer
Sep 21, 2016



** video
This German village managed to go off grid and become energy self-sufficient | DW News
Residents of Feldheim, a village south of Berlin, have managed to produce their own energy from wind, sun and agricultural waste. They are now paying around a third of what everyone else in Germany pays for power. Their solution has become a role model for communities around the world. Here’s how they achieved the Feldheim Energy Miracle – and what others can learn from their success.
Sep 9, 2022



Frank Morris Hans • 2014
Hans, is it true that EON and other institutions have prohibited other renewably powered micro grids?

Hans Frank Morris • 2014
To say it in facebook terms:it is complicated.
If the municipality owns the grid, European rules say that there has to be an auction for the license to operate the grid. Judges often interpret auction conditions that demand some amount of renewable energy and the employment of local people often as tricks to limit competition. And the auction has to be done again, or the license is directly given to one of the big three. However, judgments vary from case to case and about two-hundred communities were able to take back their distribution grids the last decade. Most famous example is Schonau.

If Eon and Co (a German/international energy corporation) own the grid it is even more complicated.
Furthermore, Eon and Co tend to sabotage the transfer by holding back data on the grid.

Eduardo Ugalde
2022 Sept
This is amazing to watch but more importantly people should be reminded that the world is not undergoing an energy crisis; it is self inflicted rather. We have had the technology for quite some time to simply build the infrastructure, which would generate a lot of high quality jobs, reduce inequality gaps, but most importantly lose fossil fuel reliance. The problem lies in the power held in companies that own the current energy supply infrastructure, on which these companies have a monopoly, and the governments appointed by their donations who act in the interest of those companies.


*** has great charts & diagrams ***

Solar Powered Electric Vehicles CONSUMER GUIDE
There may not be a better pairing than home solar panels and electric cars.
Solar powered charging is cheaper and more consistent than other charging
sources. Solar based EV chargers at work places is more important.
The future is electric vehicles – and using solar will make your EV investment
more affordable and sustainable.
https://www.solarreviews.com/content/images/blog/SolarReviews_EVReport_05 (5) (1).pdf

Charging your EV with solar panels is the most affordable method to power your car. In nearly every state in the U.S., the long-term cost of solar panels is less than buying electricity from the grid. In some cases, the cost of producing your own solar energy is more than 50% less than buying grid power.

The ongoing cost of fuel from the grid is whatever you currently pay for a kilowatt-hour (kWh). In the U.S., that can be between about $.10 and $.40 depending on where you live, but the average is about $.13/kWh, and rising. Meanwhile, the levelized cost of home solar in the U.S. is currently about $.11/kWh.

Fuel for one year ( 14,000 mi):
Gasoline - 450 gal $1,260 8,820 lbs CO₂
Public EV charger - 3,780 kWh $1,058 1,531 lbs CO₂
Grid power - 3,780 kWh $662 1,531 lbs CO₂
Home solar - 3,780 kWh $415 368 lbs CO₂

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Nov 22, 2019
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Have a look at the biogas part that does all of the heating for the town as well. Which actually works out to be more energy than what they use electrically and better for the environment to boot, than using solar, wind and batteries. It also provides baseload so they don't need much storage.