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With Elon's recent candid yet obvious admission, what do Tesla Cybertruck reservation holders think about this over worked genius putting too many balls in the air? To add another metaphor to the mix, he seems the victim of a self inflicted wound. As a shareholder, the owner of a Tesla Solar System with Powerwalls, 2 Tesla cars and, a CyberTruck reservation I am concerned that he is intentionally undoing his many great accomplishments with this unnecessary Social Engineering experiment. It seems he lacks feed back from within his small circle of advisors or perhaps he just isn't listening. In any case, I think his customers (current and future) should get their opinions out in the open before he runs the entire enterprise off the rails. Please, no political discussions as that kills any and all relevant discourse.
- I too have the shares, MY, and CT (ordered 12 hrs after reveal) and Solar Panels w/Powerwalls. I'm concerned now (just saw this on 'Electrified')that TESLA will "contract out" Solar Panel/Powerwall install and service. I just had a system installed 4 or 5 months ago and it now has stopped producing energy for the 3rd time. It takes weeks to get Tesla Service to come out. I hope they come soon and fix it permanently this time. *Has Elon bitten off more than he can chew, to the detriment of his current customers and fans across all Tesla product lines and growth of service of his products? Please don't misunderstand-I believe he is an amazing human of profound positive affect on our world, but even super heroes have to rest to catch up.
meh. he had 'too much on his plate' with the M3 ramp. the thing with Twitter is that programming is his jam. who remembers PayPal? he revolutionized the 'pay online' system. Twitter needed to be gutted and it it's being done.With Elon's recent candid yet obvious admission, what do Tesla Cybertruck reservation holders think about this over worked genius putting too many balls in the air? To add another metaphor to the mix, he seems the victim of a self inflicted wound. As a shareholder, the owner of a Tesla Solar System with Powerwalls, 2 Tesla cars and, a CyberTruck reservation I am concerned that he is intentionally undoing his many great accomplishments with this unnecessary Social Engineering experiment. It seems he lacks feed back from within his small circle of advisors or perhaps he just isn't listening. In any case, I think his customers (current and future) should get their opinions out in the open before he runs the entire enterprise off the rails. Please, no political discussions as that kills any and all relevant discourse.
if they needed their knowledge then they weren't dead weight. dead weight are people that waste millions in lunches at work and that 'can't' work at the office. Twitter was bloated with the entitled and needed a purge.I saw a tweet purporting to quote a manager at Twitter saying the half of staff they laid off were 'dead weight' but that they needed their knowledge.
My experience says managers like that are almost certainly dead weight and likely to be misrepresenting their employees' work. And that least to more mistakes, not fewer.
some people don't need much sleep. my last boss was like that..... 4 hours a night was plenty.There is a difference between burnout on A project and completely overworking human body (mentally & physically) for long periods. Almost nobody working 80 hours gets enough sleep.
People can just all of a sudden just drop dead.
I think Musk believes a lot of his exaggerations.Amazing how some believe Musk when it says it could go bankrupt. He said that about Tesla not long ago. Remember the new factories burning Billions ?
I think Twitter is Musk‘s single biggest non-work passtime.He needs Twitter for Mars.
Tesla is widely known to deliver abysmal customer service, especially their solar division. I have made a mint fixing their abandoned projects alone. Next week my florida branch is pulling down and dumpstering the half solar roof they started and stopped 3 months ago after the consumer has now endured two hurricanes with a tarp on his roof.RMK! said:
With Elon's recent candid yet obvious admission, what do Tesla Cybertruck reservation holders think about this over worked genius putting too many balls in the air? To add another metaphor to the mix, he seems the victim of a self inflicted wound. As a shareholder, the owner of a Tesla Solar System with Powerwalls, 2 Tesla cars and, a CyberTruck reservation I am concerned that he is intentionally undoing his many great accomplishments with this unnecessary Social Engineering experiment. It seems he lacks feed back from within his small circle of advisors or perhaps he just isn't listening. In any case, I think his customers (current and future) should get their opinions out in the open before he runs the entire enterprise off the rails. Please, no political discussions as that kills any and all relevant discourse.
- I too have the shares, MY, and CT (ordered 12 hrs after reveal) and Solar Panels w/Powerwalls. I'm concerned now (just saw this on 'Electrified')that TESLA will "contract out" Solar Panel/Powerwall install and service. I just had a system installed 4 or 5 months ago and it now has stopped producing energy for the 3rd time. It takes weeks to get Tesla Service to come out. I hope they come soon and fix it permanently this time. *Has Elon bitten off more than he can chew, to the detriment of his current customers and fans across all Tesla product lines and growth of service of his products? Please don't misunderstand-I believe he is an amazing human of profound positive affect on our world, but even super heroes have to rest to catch up.
Imho…Elon should've never said or tweeted anything political. Personally I would’ve claimed I was an independent and said that I voted for the best candidate…or support the programs and initiatives that I feel strongly about, and leave it ambiguous. On Twitter where he was already kicking ass Elon should’ve pointed out political hypocrisy on both side with humor and “neutrality”. Encourage people to get informed, get involved and to vote…but here we are?With Elon's recent candid yet obvious admission, what do Tesla Cybertruck reservation holders think about this over worked genius putting too many balls in the air? To add another metaphor to the mix, he seems the victim of a self inflicted wound. As a shareholder, the owner of a Tesla Solar System with Powerwalls, 2 Tesla cars and, a CyberTruck reservation I am concerned that he is intentionally undoing his many great accomplishments with this unnecessary Social Engineering experiment. It seems he lacks feed back from within his small circle of advisors or perhaps he just isn't listening. In any case, I think his customers (current and future) should get their opinions out in the open before he runs the entire enterprise off the rails. Please, no political discussions as that kills any and all relevant discourse.
Those are easily the most strident opinions I've read about Elon. While I believe there may be validity to some of your comments, I find myself in the uncomfortable position of defending him. You clearly overstate (see bold above) his "narcissism" and completely ignore his self identified Asperger's syndrome.Elon’s done a lot of amazing things and there’s no denying that he’s a certain sort of energetic “genius.”
None of which, to me, is any guarantee that he’ll continue to be.
Nor is it an excuse for any particular behavior.
Fact is, there are equally or more impactful energetic genius out there, who the public fails to know or idolize to the same degree as Elon only because those others aren’t pop-culture narcissists like Elon. He chooses the “sexiest” industries to ‘revolutionize’ (ignoring many others ripe for far more immediate impact) he fraternizes publicly with only the “coolest” paramours (while also having affairs with women married to men he views as social competitors), and appears to think himself somehow entitled to weigh in on topics clearly beyond his expertise in ways only a narcissistic “genius” would dare feign any public opinion.
It sounds foolish when people seem to confuse Elon’s degree of fame and infamy with representing something about his unique degree of “genius,” as opposed to the infamy he’s developed through his uniquely attention-seeking persona.
Which is all to say: this is not a person incapable of crashing just as furiously as he took off.
We’ll see.
Yes, they abandoned projects because solar installers can get paid a mint. Can't promise a project on budget if you get squeezed by the labor.Tesla is widely known to deliver abysmal customer service, especially their solar division. I have made a mint fixing their abandoned projects alone.
It takes more knowledge of the subject to be neutral. Uninformed means unaware if they're pushing harmful tropes or not.On Twitter where he was already kicking ass Elon should’ve pointed out political hypocrisy on both side with humor and “neutrality”.
Perhaps you’ve only missed or turned a blind eye to the many, many, pieces of critique available on Musk? If mine are the most strident, you’ve missed many that best me.Those are easily the most strident opinions I've read about Elon.
I’m not ignoring it, I simply think it irrelevant to the specific point I was injecting. Surely you don’t think that Asperger’s necessitates his specific behaviors and choices? Or that people with Asperger’s can’t still yet behave in ways that are blameworthy?While I believe there may be validity to some of your comments, I find myself in the uncomfortable position of defending him. You clearly overstate (see bold above) his "narcissism" and completely ignore his self identified Asperger's syndrome.
Why do you think I “fail” to recognize this? Does my several references to him being a “genius” have no legibility for you? Nor my opining context:I think you fail to recognise his passion and talent for engineering, and his extreme dedication to accomplishing his clean energy goals with his companies.
Besides: in my view, plenty here had already quite sufficiently exhausted their praises on Musk’s redeeming qualities, and I was here instead to inject some counterbalance in my view.Elon’s done a lot of amazing things and there’s no denying that he’s a certain sort of energetic “genius.”
Let’s draw what should be a few obvious distinctions:What I really take issue with is the bolded part above. People "weighing in on topics beyond their expertise" is normal human behaviour and you provide a clear demonstration of that with your comments.
In all, perhaps my comments felt so strident not for the content of my points, but instead for reasons having to do with something inside you.Forums like this one are fueled by uninformed opinions but then, and as they say, "out of the mouths of babes" ...