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It’s China by far in absolute numbers. It says so in the article as well. The chart however is for biggest EV share of new cars sold. It’s supposed to say something about sentiment/predilection and incentives/policy in the society, not within which borders produced EVs are going. And China still...
I have no idea what the value should be, but the valuation can’t be compared to the old car manufacturers as Tesla’s price also includes bold visions, proven ability to execute, and balls. And synergy with a spaceship company for f-s sake.
Balls and rockets!
Disclaimer: This (obviously) does...
I too enjoy a Marxist analysis from time to time, but this was a lot of assumptions I don’t necessarily hold as truths and would like to see elaborated on.
We got lucky with the CCS socket on the Model 3 from the start in Europe. Can charge anywhere. Usually don’t though because it’s such a hassle with apps and credit cards and communication failure through the cable, but nice to know that the option is there.
I supervise 30 new railroad projects and they almost always involve at least one tunnel (often through granite) and this sounds on the cheap* side to me although not unfathomable in another western economy. Anyway, just afraid Elon is overly optimistic as usual and taking much of the risk...
Interesting. Some states are less populous than I thought. Happy that we’re in this EV revolution together with you though. Keep making cutting edge EVs! We have lots of room for power hungry factories beside hydropower plants if that would come in handy.? Norway’s the 5th largest exporter of...
We always cling to “per capita” numbers, haha ? In absolute numbers China always wins ?But, yes, we are «smöl» and are less than a medium city over at your place. Don’t matter much in the big scheme of things and dependent on other nations, but sometimes maybe we can make quicker changes of...
A Norwegian dealer seems to have accepted Ferrell’s Superbowl challenge with five short videos with not quite the same reach?
https://www.bos.no/gameon/ (scroll past the Norwegian text)
(Audi, VW and MB dealer unfortunately though).
It’s a concept by someone not affiliated with Apple with the sole purpose of taking cues from classic Apple products. It’s likely not what it will look like at all. I think Jobs would have loved the disruption of the CT although he was pretty conservative car wise personally with a constant...
Regarding the Ferrell/GM Super Bowl ad:
I just read right now that the most sold car in Norway in January 2021 is NOT an EV for the first time in a year (Overall EVs win of course and it’s Audi e-Trons when Tesla is not shipping ). The most sold car in January is a Toyota RAV4 plugin-hybrid.
I’m a Ferrell fan, but we Norwegians do mostly buy *American* EVs though ... That’s Teslas. The GM brand has little standing here I think. The Bolt was briefly sold as an Opel.
We tried to make an EV of our own called Think in the 90s which Ford bought and closed down I think.
2035?! The Norwegian government aims for only EVs to be sold new from 2025. We have the population of a city for you lot over there, and not that we’re Ford’s market, but just for comparison.