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1.b1 Law of Robotics and Tesla FSD, RoboTaxi, Optimus


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Sep 25, 2020
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It is very tiring and stress-full to be hypervigilance for long periods of time (several hours or days).
Some people are not able to be hypervigilant due to lack of experience/knowledge, fatigue, youth, old age mental decline.

Even when a person is hypervigilant there are limits since we do not have eyes in back of our heads and hearing though 360 around might not be sufficient.
Some dangers can approach from the rear and quietly. Military/police teams can work more safely than single military/police person because some team members can more effectively watch the team's rear and sides.

With Tesla FSD & Optimus hardware version 4 or 5 and 360 around cameras, another capability we might want is: detect the situations dangerous to human (FSD drivers/passengers, Robotaxi passengers, Optimus owner/family).

Tesla FSD & Optimus already must track people in the surroundings and predict their movements. Camera resolution is good enough that objects in hand (knife, gun, bat/club) might be detectable.

Detect carjackers, thieves (through window, threaten with gun for passengers to open door for purpose to rob ), warn driver/passengers to maybe not exit vehicle because surrounding situation might be dangerous (outside of vehicle, movement of single person or multiple people might indicate a possible threat), detect person might have purposely jumped in-front/or on car (for fraud or carjacking).

Warn driver via phone that there are suspicious people around vehicle before driver gets to the vehicle so the driver can detour away or call police.

Building secuity systems need AI FSD type system to detect someone sneaking into garage, hiding on property or scouting around property.

FSD would also need to drive/stop vehicle in slightly different spots on road to allow room for escape (ie. leave more room from vehicle in front or sides), when possible, travel in the middle lane.

A dangerous situation detection capability could make FSD & Optimus much more valuable (worth higher price).


Three Laws of Robotics (often shortened to The Three Laws or Asimov's Laws) are a set of rules devised by science fiction author Isaac Asimov, which were to be followed by robots in several of his stories.

The Laws

The Three Laws, presented to be from the fictional "Handbook of Robotics, 56th Edition, 2058 A.D.", are:

The First Law: A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

The Second Law: A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

The Third Law: A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.


1.b1 Law of Robotics: Must detect the situations dangerous to human.
Must not allow a human injury means must first detect the dangerous situation.
muggers, kidnappers, carjackers, thieves


Westport, Connecticut USA man had his Aston Martin carjacked from inside his garage
The victim told police he had just returned home when two suspects entered his garage.
Sep 18, 2023


Carjacking Prevention
Tulane University (New Orleans, LA USA)

It is estimated that nearly half of all carjackings occur while the driver is waiting at a traffic signal or stop sign. Another common place for these incidents is parking lots or garages. It is difficult to determine how many of these crimes could have been prevented, but we have some suggestions on how drivers can reduce their chances of being carjacked.

If it can be avoided, do not travel alone when it is dark. The majority of carjackings occur between the hours of 10:00 P.M. and 2:00 A.M.

Always keep your car doors locked...day or night.

Park your car in well-lit areas that are within sight and shouting distance of others.

Always try to park near an entrance, particularly if you will be leaving it for an extended period of time.

Whenever you think you may be in a vulnerable situation, carry pepper spray in your hand.

If some vehicle "bumps" or tries to signal you that there is something wrong with your car, drive to a populated area such as a gas station before stopping. This is a common technique used by carjackers to get you to stop your car in an unsafe area.

If you know you will be traveling in unfamiliar areas, map out your route before leaving. Stay on highways instead of side streets.

Always check your car's back seat and underneath the car before entering.

If your car breaks down, wait for a police officer to help. Ask, through a tiny opening in your window, to see the officer's credential.

Never accept help from anyone in an unmarked car.

Keep an adequate amount of distance in the front and rear of your car when stopped at a traffic signal. If an emergency occurs, you may be able to maneuver your way out of a dangerous situation.

When possible, travel in the middle lane.

Once you have parked your car, keep the motor running so that you may check out the area surrounding your car as well as the route you will travel to reach your destination.

If you have a garage, use it and remember to lock your doors upon exiting even though you are at home.


Texas A&M University, San Antonio, TX USA - Crime Prevention/Safety Tips – Carjacking

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