đź‘‹ Welcome! If you were registered on Cybertruckownersclub.com as of October 1, 2024 or earlier, you can simply login here with the same username and password as on Cybertruckownersclub.
I would rather pay a bank or credit union additional interest, than give PayPal any of my business; They screwed us out of over $5,000 on a business deal where we had a contract and documentation to support it, but they didn't care and just refunded all of the funds to the buyer, plus costs we...
here are the features I want, anything additional is bonus:
1. Specifications as indicated or better than announced at reveal.
2. Price equal to or less than announced at reveal.
3. a break controller.
Heck, mine was the morning after the reveal and it's estimated at September of 2023. I'd say if you were more than one day after the reveal it's probably going to be estimated 2024 or beyond.
I read that there is a key vob that can be used as a secondary way to get into Tesla's and to start them, but no one seems to carry them... Is this true?
I have a friend that modified a diesel to use grease that he collected from fast food places and ran through filters about a half dozen times. His fuel is cheap, but it's a lot of work and smells like French Fries everywhere he goes.
Either I didn't give enough information or you misunderstood what I meant. When tangible items are purchased. When you buy a TV, then you pay tax on it. When you buy a car then you pay tax on it. When you earn money from doing something you do, then you don't pay tax on it. When you earn...
I have Tesla, got it installed when it was Solar City, Solar on my house too. When they installed it they said they only do roof installs. I would love to move it to a ground mounted system; If possible, and not too expensive.