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I’m genuinely curious in each of these scenarios, whether or not Autopilot was actually engaged, and how it’s verified after the fact.
I do wonder how many people have gotten comfortable driving their Tesla in true Autopilot mode, that they may only use TACC, and wrongfully ignore they aren’t...
Even better when you have Bio-Defense mode..which unfortunately won’t be fully in place on CT..at least according to what Elon has said. That would make it truly the perfect escape vehicle. There are videos of people in Model X during last year’s fires doing pretty darn good in the cabin.
**Checks the inter webs, checks Elon’s Twitter, checks the Tesla website**
Nope..no new updates on Cybertruck and it’s capabilities..*thinks to self, man I hope Battery Day gives us something to geek out about**
Other than that..Wednesday is going well.