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Search results

  1. Elon says TESLA shareholders re-approved his pay package!!

    This is *terrible* news for Tesla and TSLA stockholders. Elon is wrapped up in his FSD and robotaxi scams that will literally never achieve the already promised and sold functionality with the current hardware stack. This is a gigantic liability for Tesla that absolutely will bite the company...
  2. .

    Well given that the allegations in the lawsuit are completely true yeah its no surprise the judge is letting it proceed. The only question is if Tesla is smart enough to try and reach a settlement to avoid discovery uncovering what is certainly damning internal evidence against them with the...
  3. Shareholders, would you vote to reinstate Elon's pay package

    Vote NO! It is incredibly important that Tesla drop the idiocy that Elon is pushing with robots, AI and FSD and get back to just making incredible EVs. FSD is already an enormous liability that will eventually blow up in TSLA share holder faces. Better to stop the insanity now than delay...
  4. Tesla dropped to No. 3 in Cali

    Two things, it is perfectly reasonable to give him credit for the amazing things he has accomplished and still believe that it is past time for him to step down as CEO. It is perfectly reasonable to say that he has done amazing things with and for TSLA and still believe that he is currently...
  5. Report: Tesla lays off entire Supercharger team! [Update: Elon Musk says supercharger growth will continue]

    There are also people who want Musk out of the CEO role because he is actively harming the company more than helping currently. I am specifically talking about the money utterly wasted with the idiocy that is pursuing robotaxis. I don't care about the pace of electrification so I don't fall...
  6. Shareholders, would you vote to reinstate Elon's pay package

    I just don't understand how ANY shareholder can continue to support Musk as CEO at this point. Absolutely 100% he is responsible for so many amazing great things with Tesla. However, at this point it is very clear from the stock that his focus on AI and FSD is an anchor around Tesla's neck...
  7. Shareholders, would you vote to reinstate Elon's pay package

    As a shareholder I fall in the camp that its past time to replace Elon. By all accounts he is the push behind AI and FSD and that is, IMO, Teslas biggest weakness and will be the biggest problem this company faces going forward. Anything to cancel that idiocy.
  8. Tesla Cuts 10% of Global Workforce

    If true then I fully expect TSLA to drop like a rock once people realize that robotaxi will never be a reality with their current tech stack.
  9. FSD safety and FUD

    FSD "working great" is the biggest lie. Utter rubbish.
  10. Reuters: Tesla has cancelled the "Model 2" [Update: Denied by Elon Musk]

    Its worse than that. The sheer idiocy of even contemplating a car without controls just boggles the mind. How are you supposed to have fine control over the car? How is the car supposed to drop you off at a crowded intersection? How are you supposed to navigate parking it? How will it...
  11. Introducing Cybertruck Accessories by TWRAPS

    My current pickup (Ridgeline) has similar fold up seats and I store things underneath the seats (tie down straps, a cooler bag for shopping, spare sweatshirt, towel, etc.) So the dogs have to go on the seats. Also if they were on the floor they couldn't look out the window. I don't personally...
  12. Model 2 ($25k model) & Robotaxi will be Cybertruck inspired -- according to upcoming Musk biography

    Its just dumb, worse than dumb idiotic. FSD is decades away from being able to operate without controls.
  13. Jailbreak Tesla

    I don't understand why this is so hard for you to understand. They are completely and totally different things. Seriously go ask any lawyer with experience in software. I have, that's my industry. You literally could not be more wrong and yet you just keep with these one liner "nuh uh"...
  14. Jailbreak Tesla

    Right to repair is a totally different instance. Completely unrelated.
  15. Jailbreak Tesla

    It is 100% stealing. There is absolutely no question or confusion. If you actually need proof beyond common sense look at software licensing. License software for a time period, after that period you can no longer legally use that software. Hardware is totally irrelevant.