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Yeah, no doubt. Whether you realize it or not, these opinions people form about any celebrity are purely based on mostly mis-perception. Having known several actual well-known celebrities I can tell you that 99% of the time whatever people generally think is wrong.
So the Fred's Bank analogy does not apply, unless someone at Ford did some insider trading.
What I am suggesting is that there is an argument that Musk could be close to being an inside trader with respect to Bitcoin. Yes, because of how his tweets can move the market.
First of all, I don't...
Um, no. That's not what happened. In the "funding secured" debacle, here's what happened - Tesla's and Musk's lawyers ended up in a negotiation to keep them out of court, and to keep Musk out of actual jail for fraud, which resulted in:
Musk agreeing to have his tweets reviewed by Tesla's...
Sure, at the moment, that's true. However, past results are no guarantee of future performance - up or down. And as far as Musk moving the market:
Musk announced on 3/24 that Tesla would accept Bitcoin, that day it was at $52,774. A week later it was at $58,918. Did Musk cause that? Who knows...
IANAL, but I am a business person. And I think promoting an investment asset is tricky. Tesla purchased $1.5B of Bitcoin, and just announced they are no longer taking it as form of payment, so now it's just an investment asset for Tesla, one that has recently had a material effect on its...
Let's not forget that Tesla had a $100M+ gain from Bitcoin in the last quarter.
This alone is enough reason for Elon to not discuss crypto-currencies - he could end up in trouble with the SEC again for stock manipulation. Seriously.
it’s now 3 & 9 because of power steering, not airbags. It says so right in the official driver’s guide for taking the driver’s license test the State of California publishes.