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I don't think they will get as scraped as much as you think unless they significantly reduce ground clearance. 16+ inches of free ground clearance is unheard of in a pickup truck (or any stock road-going vehicle). I've driven over lots of logs and big rocks without scraping or damaging the...
A "chip" means a chip of the material was removed. A "pit" caused by a stone impact on the Cybertruck is not a chip because no material was removed, it was simply deformed. That's why polishing is so effective on it.
For example, on a true chip, like you would get on a traditionally painted...
Incorrect. The metal doesn't chip. That's something paint does, glass chips too. Metal can chip, but only very unusual, very brittle metal, or under unusual circumstances that you will not find on a typical roadway. The metal used in the Cybertruck is not brittle enough for highway stones to...
You know what I think would be a great product?
A 48V freezer designed to do nothing more than freeze large flat packs (the gel filled packs that you use in an old school cooler). Then you could just cycle the gel packs from the 48V freezer to your regular cooler. I find the flat packs to be...
Yeah, the last place I would want a cooler is in the basement of the trunk. You need to be able to get in an out of a cooler and the heat buildup would be counter-productive. I can't believe ACOPOWER advertised it as having been designed for the sub-trunk. Cause it blows out warm air and I...
Do you have any plans to come out with a 48V version so the inverter doesn't need to be on the whole time and it can cool even when Level 2 charging?
I think the aftermarket is overlooking the opportunity here to establish themselves as a supplier of energy efficient 48V accessories.
That's not chipping. And they can be easily polished out whenever you want. Unlike paint chips, they don't start to rust. Unless you believe the foolish tall tales about rust posted here.
OK, dumb question:
Do we have to paint our Cybertruck first, to get the advertised results, ie. to get the "car paint as clean as new"?
I guess the benefit of painting before applying the Paint Protection Film is then we would have something to protect! ?
Anyone buying into the stock market for less than a multi-year time horizon is not an investor, they are a speculator, a gambler. Why would you invest in a company like Tesla if you only had a short-term time horizon?
It looks like you have been confused into thinking Tesla is primarily a car...
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and just assume you are not a seasoned investor who knows how these things work.
You cannot meaningfully judge a CEO's performance by the stock price over a short timespan. Greedy momentum investors will run shares up beyond it's inherent value and that...
Look, you lost the vote, you didn't even come close to having a majority on your side, just give it up. Tesla shareholders tend to be smarter than your average person.
The dumbest thing ever is investing in a company with a CEO you think is a loser. I'm invested because of Elon, not inspite of...
You really don't have a clue what makes Tesla great. Yes, they have a lot of very talented people working there, but employees always need to be given the proper direction for any company to succeed. Tesla succeeded against all odds, not in spite of Musk, but because of him.